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1. Introduction There are many types of dog food in the world, ranging from differences in flavours to differences in textures to differences in processing. We all want the best for our dogs, and we don’t just want our dogs to eat their food, but to enjoy it as well....
It was July when the alarm bells first started sounding for us. Cocoa, my 13 year old shihtzu (turning 14 in February 2024!) had a small increase in her SDMA levels during her annual blood tests (SDMA is a more sensitive marker for kidney dysfunction as compared to the conventional measurements for urea or creatinine concentrations).
Pending her pathology results; two weeks for her initial results confirming that the mass was cancerous, but it was not clear what kind of cancer it was, so we opted to go for further staining to see if it was either osteosarcoma or soft tissue sarcoma.
The 3 big areas of our dog's lives are: Eat, Walk and Play. It is evident that the 'Eat' aspect is the main influencer of our dogs health. When seeking advice on nutrition, there are different level of expertise in the market; 1) A pet nutritionist 2) Veterinarian 3) Vet nutritionist The above...
This should be an easy topic - we've all heard how nutritious carrots and sweet potatoes are when it comes to nutrition. Mixing these ingredients with a main meat protein would surely result in a hearty and